Due Process

If the IRS is sending you notices about their Intent to Lien or Intent to Levy because of tax debt, there is an opportunity to stop that action now before it occurs. Ask for a “Collection Due Process Hearing.” To take advantage of this opportunity, you must act quickly. 

CDP Hearing

A CDP Hearing (Collection Due Process Hearing) is a powerful tool available to tax payers. It is an IRS hearing allowing you to dispute their claims of tax debt, amounts owed, or explain why you should be disassociated with that tax liability. A CDP hearing will halt the lien, levy, or wage garnishment that may be coming your way and provide an opportunity to explain your situation.

How to Stop a Tax Lien or Tax Levy

The forbidding notices you receive will warn that you have 30 days to respond or suffer the financial consequences. In that 30 days, you may call the IRS to explain that you already have an installment agreement in place, that you are an ‘innocent spouse,’ or other. You may also request a CDP hearing.

If you request the CDP hearing in a timely manner, all punitive actions against you must cease until that hearing is complete. They cannot lien, levy, or garnish until they give you a fair hearing. If you file after that 30 day period, they can move forward with any draconian actions at their disposal. If your collection due process hearing results in a negative outcome and is not appealed, it becomes your ticket to tax court.

Tax Debt Relief Now

Retain professional tax legal representation. Potentially negotiate a settlement agreement. Requesting the CDP hearing buys you time. During a CDP hearing, the IRS will expect you to explain exactly why you dispute their tax debt claims. You (or your professional representation) should come well prepared. Proceed with extreme competency and care because it will effect your case down the line. Tax debt relief companies know exactly how to do this; we are here for you.

Call or contact us online today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.